Kamogawa Odori kyoto japan

Kyoto Ponto-cho Masamiya

Kamogawa Odori kyoto japan

Kamogawa Odori kyoto japan

新緑の京都を美しく飾る「鴨川をどり」は、輝かしい伝統と 磨きあげられた洗練の美を誇る京の年中行事です。 美しく楽しい華舞台、興趣の内容を盛った舞踊劇と艶麗京情緒の 踊絵巻の豪華番組は、国内はもとよりひろく海外にまで知られ、 今や京の初夏に欠くことのできないものとなっています。 御観光の好季節、御ひいき様並びに御入洛のお客様ぜひ、 「鴨川をどり」へ御光来下さいまして、華と競う舞台を御高覧 下さいますようお待ち申しております。

Kamogawa Odori

Dance Spectacle and Dance Drama
by the Geisha of Ponto-Cho,Kyoto
Ponto-Chois a district along the narrow street parallelwith the Kamo
River,Starting from the foot of Sartio Bridge,a COmmOn mOtif of
Hiroshige,s ukiyoTe,wood-block prints and commanding a fine view of
the Higashiyama mountains.It cameinto being as a result of river
improvement works.The originofthe districtnameisnotcertain,but some say that it derives
from a Portuguese word“Ponto,”or point”in English.This district has
flourished as the home of geisha who have long continued to devote
themselves to the traditional arts.Since its first performance in 1872,the Kamogawa Odori has won popularity
not only in Japan but also abroad,and has earned great admiration of
such celebrities as Jean Cocteau and Charlie Chaplin.The annual event of Kyoto in May has been widely talked about beyond the
Seas.The stage offers great splendor with a Japanese atmosphere and
exquisiteness of the traditional Japanese dancing.The annual event of Kyoto
in May cannot be missed by those who sightsee Kyoto and will surely
become something dear to them.

12:30,14:20 and 16:10ADMISSION:
Special seat including tea ceremony:¥4,500Specialseat:¥4,0000rdinalySeat:¥2,000

Ponto-Cho Kyoto Kamogawa Odori masamiya


〒604-8016 京都市中京区先斗町四条上ル下樵木町202-7 15番露地

先斗町 雅美家
Kyoto Ponto-cho Masamiya
皆様に気軽に、呑んで、唄って、楽しんで頂けるお店をと、 日々心がけております。 皆様のお越しを、心よりお待ち申し上げております。